Unique Sample Letter Of Request For Extension Of Submission Journal

A professional deadline extension request may help you to maintain a positive relationship with your supervisor and perform well in your role. This article explains when and how to ask for a deadline extension at work and provides examples to help you make your own request.
Sample letter of request for extension of submission journal. Sample cover letter for journal submission. Extension of last date of submission of Applications Form for the post of Chairman, NIOS - reg. It is unethical in Academics and Research to submit an simultaneously to two or more journals. 11 July 2011. When facing challenges to meet revision deadlines requested for a journal, it was acceptable to extend the deadlines in case of American Chemical Society up to several weeks. However, I have submitted my paper to a journal under Elsevier, and they have not responded to my request for deadline extension. Of course, I understand that it might not be the same for all Elsevier journals, but the. Request Letter for Documents: Be it a personal or professional document, it tends to play an important role in various aspects of life. Every document holds crucial information that is used for keeping a record of different stages of life. These documents are known to hold information for various purposes like family requirements, mark sheets, birth or death certificates, marriage certificates.
Sample Request Letter for Extension Subject: Letter of request for extension for submission of thesis Respected Graduate Studies office, I am writing this letter to request an ext For the sake of speed, phone the employer to discuss the situation. For the record, follow up in writing. Since this is a request that needs to be handled quickly, use email to confirm your request in writing. See the sample letter below. (If the employer granted your request verbally, use the email to confirm that, and thank the employer.) I would like to request an extension of (x weeks) for the submission of the revised paper, as I am defending my thesis in (y weeks). Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply. Extensions happen all the time; I had to ask for one recently for similar reasons (advisor was on travel).
Learn the format for a business letter. Your request letter should use the proper business letter format, as it is likely a formal request. This applies whether you're sending an email or a hard copy letter. Become familiar with the following format and be sure to use it when writing your letter. Place your name, title, and address on the top left of the paper. Following this letter are the editor and reviewer comments with our responses in italics,. form with the initial submission, or as early as possible. Per the editorial staff, it is the number one thing that delays publishing of an accepted paper. Sample Response to Revision Request. REVIEWER #1: response to be as clear as possible. 1a. The. Oct 05, 2019 · Your request letter should use the proper business letter format, as it is likely a formal request. The waiver will not be provided if the research is funded. O. hrsa. Yours Truly, Mr. Letter Recipient. How to Write the Best Journal Submission Cover Letter Attachment: Annotated-Template-Journal-Submissions-Cover-Letter1.
A Deadline Extension Appeal Letter is a formal, written request to the concerned authority for the extension of a previously decided deadline or submission of documents. It is a courteous and tactful way to appeal to the interested party for the deadline extension. To write a letter asking for an extension, start with a formal salutation, like "Dear Professor Montgomery." Then, in the body of your letter, state that you'd like an extension and explain why you need one. You should also include a new, realistic deadline that you think you can meet. Here is a sample of an extension request letter. It should be sent by certified mail, so the sender has proof of the date it was sent and received. Any enclosures should be copies, and no original documents should be sent. If the extension is granted, a follow up letter of appreciation should be sent immediately. Sample Extension Request Letter
Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words. Request letters are letters written to ask formally or politely for something. Any matter that requires a humble and polite appeal can be put forward using a request letter. Sample Letter -1. Considering your poor health, the past week, your request for the extension of the deadline has been approved. You are now expected to submit the project feasibility report on the 15th of March. Kindly double checks the stats and leave no room for errors. The company relies on you for presenting the perfect report to our. Dear Professor, I am Olivia Martin, a Political Science major and one of your students at the Sociology 101 class. I am writing in behalf of my class to request for an extension on the submission date on one of your assigned projects- An Abstraction of Mankind's Appetite for Destruction on an Ecological Scale. Unfortunately, due to the recent bad weather and the cancellation of our classes.
I wish to request a fourteen-day extension of your storm window delivery deadline. A labor dispute has disrupted work at the manufacturing plant in Springfield, and negotiators are working around the clock to reach a settlement.. How to Write a Request Letter How to Write the Perfect Request Letter Request Letters Made Easy: 15 Tips. Return the revised manuscript and response letter within the time period allotted by the editor. The following is an example as to how to respond to a reviewer comment: Reviewer comment: “In your analysis of the data you have chosen to use a somewhat obscure fitting function (regression). Explanation Letter for Late Submission – 8+ Sample Letters. Share This! Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. For a lot of people, deadlines are a part of the daily work. Now, sometimes you won’t be able to keep a deadline for whichever reason. Some people have to submit reports in a timely manner, others need to be very precise when handing in.